Three-dimensional imaging showed the stereo direction of fracture line, bone chips and the shifting of femoral head clearly. 三维重建立体地显示了骨折线走行方向、骨碎片及股骨头的移位情况。
Application of UV Curing Technology in Digital Imaging Materials IV. Stereo Photo Etching Using UV Curing Technology 紫外线(UV)固化技术在数字成像材料中的应用(四)UV固化技术在立体光刻中的应用
Three-line-array CCD stereo imaging is a new generation of space stereo mapping technology. 本文将着重阐述一种三线阵CCD相机立体影像的在轨处理技术,并以一个设计实例证明了该技术的可行性。
The system of real time micro stereoscopic imaging is optical sensor and visualizer in micro manipulating system. Flicker in the real time stereo imaging is one of the key factors that affect the stereo imaging. 实时显微立体成像系统是微操作系统的视觉传感器和观测器,实时立体成像中存在的闪烁现象是影响立体效果的主要因素之一。
This paper describes the principle about the imaging system of the stereo endoscope. 介绍了内窥镜立体成像系统的原理。
In this dissertation, we research the theory, method and technique on the catadioptric optical omnidirectional imaging and stereo imaging to obtain 3D information about the scene in a hemisphere view of field, and realize omnidirectional stereo imaging. 论文的工作就是要研究折反射光学全景成像和双目视觉立体成像的理论、方法和技术,获取半球视场空间的场景三维信息,实现全景立体成像。
A Model of Two-Eyed Imaging and Binocular Stereo Based on Principle of Supermarket Locale 基于超市现场规律的双目成像模型
The last part is chapter 9, in which catadioptric omnidirectional imaging is combined with stereo imaging to obtain panoramic stereo information about scene. 最后一部分为第九章,将折反射全景成像和双目立体视觉技术结合获取空间场景的全景立体信息。
A Depth Measurement Approach Based on Integral Imaging and Multiple-Baseline Stereo Matching Algorithm 一种基于IntegralImaging和多基线立体匹配算法的深度测量方法
Stereo Vision is based on the principle of eyes imaging. Depth location can be implemented if only there are two stereo images. 立体视觉基于人眼成像的原理,只要两幅立体图像就能完成深度定位,具有实现系统简单、辐射剂量小等优点。
Based on two eyes parallax, we decide to use stereoscopic glasses and 3D imaging driver realized the stereo scene display. 另外,基于双目视差原理,我们采用立体成像驱动器,立体眼镜等设备,实现了视景的立体显示。
The conventional optical imaging system has a small view of field, and can only record. light intensity information, so the image recorded by this imaging system lacks immerses feel and stereo feel too. 常规光学成像系统视场较小,而且只能记录场景的光强度信息,因此缺乏沉浸感和立体感。
The basic theory of compute vision was represented firstly, including perspective imaging, camera calibration, monocular vision-based distance measurement and binocular stereo vision distance measurement. 文章先阐述了计算机视觉的基本理论,包括了透视成像,摄像机标定,单目以及双目测距的原理。
With the development of medical imaging and computer technologies, three-dimensional models were reconstructed by tomographic imaging technology which contained the outer side and inside stereo structure. The images included whole morphous information, which provided a good platform for geometric morphological measurement. 随着医学成像技术和计算机技术的发展,通过断层重建技术建立的三维图像中包含了生物体的内、外部立体结构,图像中形态信息完整,为几何形态测量提供了很好的平台。
The main work can be summarized as follows: The theories and techniques related to binocular stereo imaging based on computer stereo vision are firstly studied. Based on this foundational work, a binocular stereo system is proposed and the properties of this system are thoroughly discussed. 论文的主要工作如下:首先对基于计算机立体视觉的双目立体成像技术及理论进行了介绍,然后在此基础上给出了双目立体视觉系统,并且详细讨论了该系统的成像性质。
However, the three-dimensional reconstruction of medical images can be extracted from the two-dimensional information to model three-dimensional images and make medical imaging diagnosis be observed from stereo direction, reducing the subjective error of doctors. It has greatly enhanced the accuracy of diagnosis. 而医学三维重建可以通过从二维图像中提取三维信息建立病人组织的三维模型,使医学影像诊断可以从立体方向综合观察,减小了医生主观错误,大大加强了诊断结果的准确性。
The method reconstructing the depth message by the imaging points of the point is called stereo vision method, and the process of stereo vision is called three-dimensional reconstruction. 这种利用空间中某点的两个或者多个成像点恢复点的空间深度信息的方法叫做立体视觉方法,而立体视觉的过程就称为三维重建。
The traditional optical system imaging field is usually small, the depth information obtained by using stereo vision techniques is limited, which can cause inconvenience in practical application field. 由于常规的光学系统成像视场范围较小,因此在此基础上利用立体视觉技术获取立体信息的视场范围较小,在实际应用领域会造成诸多不便。
The field of view in traditional optical imaging systems is usually small, thus the depth information obtained by using stereo vision techniques is limited, which is inconvenient in many applications. 常规光学成像系统的视场较小,在其基础上通过立体视觉技术只能获得有限视场范围的深度信息,这在实际应用中引起了诸多不便。